a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Week 3 Results
As stated, this week's results are late because the Sergeants were at TRAINING!
OK, that's a lie, we both had out-of-town events at the same time.
So, better late than never....the results.
Also, I've been on an airplane all day, so if I read your results wrong on the emails, please email back and correct me. THANK YOU!

And a note, we had a couple fatty fees from not weighing in at all (that would be the case with the Sergeants of Squish for sure) and just a few who didn't make the full pound. DO NOT get discouraged, go back and read the baby steps and get back to regular exercise. You can do this! Make this week a full pound goal and don't think beyond that. Think of that one pound only. Then if you do lose more, it'll be a nice bonus!

Kristi: FF
Sonia: FF
Melody: -2.0
Michele: FF
Alison: -1.2
Keeley: -2.0
Andy: -2.0
Amy: -1.0
Lana: -1.8
Heather: FF
Deanna: -4.0
RBelle: FF
AnaBell: -1.3

Total Week 3: -15.8
We slipped a little this week. Don't let this set the tone for next week, get back on that horse! Let's refocus our efforts on one pound weight loss. Congrats to Deanna for being our Mega Loser of the week! Fantastic!

And for those of you who were "starving" for Pool posts, regular posting will resume all week long, thanks for hanging in there!


Blogger The Publican said...

Wow, 4 lbs from Deanna...nice.

Regarding the Fatty Fee...say you turn in 100 lbs one week, and the next you turn in 101 lbs. You of course incur the fee, but the week after the 101 do you need to get to 100 or 99 to not get another fee?

Blogger Kristi said...

Seeing that I lost my Fatty Fee virginity this week :-( I was wondering if we could have a tally on the total contributions to The Pool so far... What do you think?

Blogger Unknown said...

I will work on that today Ms. Kristi!

Blogger Alison said...

I was wondering that too, Andy.

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