a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Getting Organized
Today, think about your body. Remember last week's exciting post called Move Your Ass?? Look at your schedule for this entire week. Plan ahead. Think about what exactly you plan to do each day to work out. Change it up if you are a person who gets easily bored. One day, walk. Another day, swim. Or maybe dust off some of those exercise tapes. How about any one of those crazy contraptions you bought late night, while eating fudge and popcorn, clicking around to QVC.
The point is, it's good to have a game plan. We are all incredibly busy and sometimes, just a 20 minute walk has to be on the schedule of the day's events. So, make it happen. If you keep a calendar on your computer, click your little heart out and get some moving on your schedule. COLOR CODE it if you have to!
Think ahead, be prepared. We'll be introducing a personal trainer for our blog tomorrow. We'll have her impressive bio posted along with regular postings about exercise to come.
Today's mission: get it on the calendar. Make it happen. Move DAILY, somehow.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hope we can ask questions so here is mine: Is any exercise good enough? Because I have (tons) of dvds and each one has a twelve week plan or something similar but I get bored after a week so I stop doing it. But sometimes I think about the work opposite muscles thing, is that really important? Should I follow the dvds calendar?

Blogger Sunshine said...

I am a personal believer in changing things up so you don't get bored with it. Routine can become monotonous for some, as you seem to get with your DVDs.
I don't like doing exactly the same thing (like only running on the treadmill and no other exercise) because a variety of workouts is working out and shaping different muscle groups.
My biggest suggestion is that you need to assess where you fall. If you like routine, stick with workouts you enjoy. If you get bored, keep it interesting by seeking out different avenues of moving your body.
One thing everyone should do though, is make sure some aspect of their routine involves some cardio because your heart needs a workout too. Get your ticker pumping to keep it healthy. Of course, make sure you're safe and not overdoing. Be smart.

Blogger The Publican said...

Cardio is cardio. Any cardio will do and you don't need to keep on the same tape every day. My wife, who is participating in the pool, has at least 50 different exercise tapes, plus a treadmill, gazelle, and our weight set that she uses.

Let me just take a moment to say, Tae Bo friggin rocks. You can pick the tapes up cheap just about anywhere. Start at the lowest one and work your way up though.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love workout videos (obviously, see irishwalsh note above!) They are all so different and I really like the ones that contain weight sessions mixing them with cardio(just pick up a couple of 5-10 lb. dumbells). These are great to do in the winter and you can do them at home. YOu can get anything from pilates to taebo!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a great website to log into to get your estimated calories burned for each activity that you do!

Blogger The Publican said...

Reposted with HTML Love:


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