a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Monday, September 18, 2006
Another Word from Our Sponsors
My name is Sonia and I’m a SAHM with four busy kids and I also have a small home business and a due share of volunteer work. Like a lot of women, it seems almost impossible to carve out time for myself, which includes exercise and taking care of myself as well as I could be.
I never used to be one of those people who worried about their weight. In high school, I was active and even being 5’1” with a petite build, I could sit down and eat an entire large pizza by myself and never gain weight.
But, that was then, this is now. I can’t eat junk food like that anymore. I don’t burn all those calories each and every day like I did as a teenager. And after having four babies, things on my body are in an entirely different location and they are there to stay it seems!
I would like to lose those pesky last few pounds to get back to a normal healthy weight for my body type and frame. It seems like even a few extra pounds looks very out of place because I’m so short, I don’t like the way some of my pants fit, and I just want to get back to my “skinny” jeans again!
In this photo, that is from church camp with my daughter Sammie this summer, and I'm pretty sure what she is thinking is "wow, nice back fat, mommy." It would be nice for these lumpy and squishy parts to go away and be back to a skinnier me.
I know I can do it, I was back to my fighting weight after I had my two boys, so there’s no good reason I can’t get back there again after having my two girls. The problem has only been me. Finding the motivation and conviction to do so is the key.
I look forward to going on this journey together, it’s going to be a lot more fun to have the success as a group!


Blogger Alison said...

I haven't thrown out all my "skinny" clothes because I keep saying I'll find a way to get back into shape and wear them again.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same here...I have gotten rid of some that just won't be in style even if I can get back into them.

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