a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Come On In, The Water Is Fine!
If you came here from my blog, you know that I recently lost a lot of weight. You also know that I 'fell off the wagon' so to speak and have put back on some of what I lost and I am NOT happy about it. If you came here from Sonia's blog, you know that she has also talked about gaining some weight that she wants to get rid of. So, instead of just talking about it, we decided to do something about it! Because we are modern women! Women of action! (Alright Norma Rae, sit down...)

Anyway, Sonia's husband has been doing a 'weight loss pool' at work and we thought it was a great idea to do something similar, but with all the great bloggers, blog addicts, and friends that we know! Besides, it's football season and men shouldn't be the only ones winning pools, right?? So, we brainstormed and came up with the idea of starting a pool of our own, with a related blog to track everyone's progress. Through this blog, we can all provide support to eachother, share tips, recipes, etc. And oh yeah, a chance to win some money! And who doesn't need a little extra cash for Christmas??!

The whole point of this exercise is to try to motivate ourselves, as well as our fellow bloggers and friends to do something they already want to do. We're hoping this is the little push you need to get going, to get you back on track, or to just get you started. It helps so much to have people to talk with while you're doing this, finding out what works for them, and in turn, finding what works for you. We want everyone to have fun and to succeed - it is not meant to bring anyone down or embarrass anyone. We want to maintain a positive atmosphere where everyone can discuss any issues they are having, encourage others, and maybe learn a little something along the way.

Please join us - we're so excited and we hope you are too! Tell all your friends about it. It will be fun. It will be motivating. And I'm convinced it will work if we stick to it, stay together, and push eachother. It is a competition too, but we want it to be a fun and healthy one.

Sonia has outlined the particulars in the post below. So join us, won’t you?!

Let the games begin!