a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Monday, September 18, 2006
Baby Steps
Small changes first. Baby steps. You may or may not have heard this before, but for me, it really was the KEY to making myself commit to losing weight last year. Every time I'd tried to 'diet' before, I had tried to change everything at once - given up all the things I loved - cold turkey. I'm here to tell you - IT DOESN'T WORK. You will start to crave those things you love. Even things that you didn't like before, but you know are bad for you. So, in starting this weight loss journey again, I'm reminding myself, and maybe helping you in the process, to remember to change things a little at a time. Pick a few things to work on, and once you're comfortable with those changes, make a few more changes.

Some hints:
  • Control your portion sizes. Be aware of how much you are eating of something. Read labels and find out how much a portion of something really is. (1/2 cup of rice is 1 serving. 3 oz of chicken/turkey is one serving. I'm pretty sure before WW, I never had just one serving at a sitting of either of these things.)
  • Make yourself move more, starting today. I'm not talking full on gym work out - yet! It could just mean parking further away from the office/grocery store/apartment, etc. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Get up and walk around for 5 minutes instead of surfing the net during a break (ahem.) Go dancing. Play with your kids. Just make yourself move.
  • Get rid of trigger foods. If there is something in your fridge or pantry that you know you can't just have ONE of, dump it. Don't let it tempt you right now.
  • Drink more water. (We'll have a separate post on water this week to elaborate.) But seriously, this works. Your body sends the same type of signal for thirst as it does for hunger. When you feel hungry, you might actually be thirsty.
  • If you drink alot of coffee with the extras (cream, flavorings, sugar, etc) or regular soda, start weaning yourself a bit. Realize how many extra calories those things are and start to decrease your intake. I was a 4-5 cans a day Coke drinker. I started substituting water or crystal light for 1-2 of those sodas each day early on. Within a few weeks, I had stopped drinking regular soda altogether (who needs that extra 1,000 calories a day!)

Any other 'baby steps' or quick start tips you want to add? Let's get everyone started on the right foot!

(FYI, there are two other posts today - see below. Sonia and I gave you a little info about ourselves and why we're doing this!)


Blogger Alison said...

To help control portions at lunch -- I bring TV dinners to work (and I've switched to low-fat ones -- I'm spending more, but it better save me the fatty fees!).

I once read that to keep from eating too fast (so that you body can tell you you're full), use your non-dominant hand to eat. Most people just aren't coordinated to eat as fast that way.

Blogger Sunshine said...

That's an awesome tip about eating with you other hand! See, this is exactly what Heather and I wanted to accomplish with this blog, sharing information and tips with a group.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When ever we do stir-frys, I make double, and freeze the extra in single (appropriately portioned) containers over BROWN rice and freeze, so I can just grab one to eat for lunch...only 5 pts per bowl!

Blogger The Publican said...

I am not officially participating in the pool but I have started to whoop my own butt lately with more weight training and cardio (which I flippin HATE) to try and drop come of my gross tonnage. My wife Amy is in the pool however and she is a fitness NUT and is continually reading fitness magazines. She works out more than anyone I know but I know she wants to get rid of a few pounds (or else she wouldn't be in right?)

So I will likely be reading and commenting here from time to time and if you have fitness questions ask Amy.

One tip: You mentioned water. I always get hungry before bed and I cannot get to sleep if I am hungry. I caught on to just going and drinking a BIG glass of water to give me a full(er) feeling rather than eating. Nothing is worse than eating before bed anyway.

Another tip: www.calorieking.com You can look up nutritional information on almost any restaurant chain or food item very easily. They also make hand sized reference books to take with you.

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