a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Staying Steady with Protein
Today we're revisiting protein intake. Lesleh offered up a post about it before back here. The Washington Post article today addresses protein along with a chart to find where your protein intake should be for your gender and age. It also offers ideas for foods with protein.

Some highlights of the article include:

Of all the macronutrients that we eat, "protein blunts your hunger the most and is the most satiating," notes Wayne Campbell, who leads a team investigating protein at Purdue University's Campbell Laboratory for Integrative Research in Nutrition, Fitness and Aging.

In October, Campbell and his colleagues reported at the annual meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity that women who added a little lean protein to their breakfast -- in this case, a slice of Canadian bacon added to an egg sandwich made with an English muffin -- experienced less hunger over the next four hours than those who ate the sandwich sans bacon.

Blood levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin also rose significantly less in women who ate the bacon breakfast.

Think about where you are with your protein if you haven't addressed this issue already. And, remember, there is such a thing as overdoing it with the protein also, don't go crazy with it.