Some of you may be shaking in your Santa boots about avoiding the gain of holiday pounds.
Going back and reviewing your baby steps is one way to keep a sound game plan going. Remember the water, the eating breakfast, watching portion size. Don't forget about what we said about alcohol consumption. You can, just be smart about it.
Today's Lean Plate Club article in the Washington Post talks about kicking your fiber intake up to help maintain during the holidays.
Their health and nutrition columnist also says....
Going back and reviewing your baby steps is one way to keep a sound game plan going. Remember the water, the eating breakfast, watching portion size. Don't forget about what we said about alcohol consumption. You can, just be smart about it.
Today's Lean Plate Club article in the Washington Post talks about kicking your fiber intake up to help maintain during the holidays.
Their health and nutrition columnist also says....
"The food goal this week is to add more fiber. Figure on 25 grams daily for women; 38 grams daily for men. (Of course, those two cups of fruit and two and a half cups of vegetables that you're reaching for first, before the tempting holiday fare, will also help you meet this new goal.) So can eating a high-fiber cereal. Among the options (and I have no financial connection with any of these companies) :If you haven't thought about it yet, perhaps a goal for this week is to see where you are lacking regarding the fiber in your diet and focus on making that a priority. We'll have more tips the rest of the week but for the last three weigh ins and how busy December can be, we encourage you to revisit the starting posts if you feel overwhelmed. Stay on track with what helped you lose those first pounds and focus on keeping them OFF!
All Bran, Cheerios, Shredded Wheat, Oatmeal.
Add to that whole grain crackers, bread and pasta. Also, beans are a real high-fiber winner, packing up to 17 grams per cup."
This time if year when the apples are really fresh I have been using them as great snacks. Packed with fiber, easy to take to work with you, and low calorie.
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