a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Monday, December 04, 2006
As Simple As It Gets
A note from our personal trainer Lesleh:

Okay...okay...okay. Enough already! Just eat it. It is December. It is as cold as a polar bear's ass outside and the last thing you feel like doing is walking or running outside. To top it all off the kids are bouncing off the walls inside because Santa is coming soon and everytime you attempt to get on the treadmill they are right there ready to climb aboard.!
Breathe. Take a moment to consider all your holiday options. You could just say "screw it", it is December. I will jump back on the bandwagon in January (which some of you will definitely do!), or you could devise a plan to make it through the next three or four weeks without adding pounds to your newly slim frames.
Here's what I do. I continue to faithfully workout. No excuses.
I do enjoy a tasty beverage, so I resolve to only have a beer or alcoholic drink on the weekends. Preferably just one day on the weekend.
I stay away from most cookies and baked goods. I stick to a relatively high protein diet, eliminating the super charged carbs that seem to be out in high quantities at this time of year.
As Nancy Reagan would say - - -just say no. Turn away from the majority of the goodies because they will pack on the pounds. Visualize as you read that word "PACK". Now - - listen, it is Christmas and you should allow yourself a few days of indulgence. Spread those days over a couple of weeks though. Eat drink and be merry....in moderation. Happy holidays. Happy holidays!
Yours in the gym, Lesleh