a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The End of the Road
Today is your last official day during this first Pool. What are you going to do with it?
Exercise like crazy to pull some big numbers? Maybe eat your healthiest day of eating yet?
Or are you going to relax and say "hey, I've got this in the bag".
Either way, are you armed with the knowledge, willpower, and secret weapons to get yourself through the holiday season without gaining back a lot of the weight?
It's interesting, for me personally, yes I gained two pounds back over Thanksgiving, which was basically five straight days of eating a lot. Then it came off easily and getting back to my normal "routine" wasn't hard or disappointing. I'm the lightest I've been now since before I had my two youngest children.
And now I know, I can make very basic adjustments regarding eating smart, but still enjoying those holiday meals, and not throw my hands up and say "oh, I blew it! My diet is over!" Because it's not. I'm going to enjoy the holidays, and that includes the meals, but it doesn't need to be something that I do every day for a couple weeks. I can eat well, and eat sensibly and have a good balance.
Not to mention, the fact that going more than a couple days without some serious exercise frustrates me. So, not exercising isn't an option because I feel a lot better making sure I'm doing some cardio or some Pilates about 4 times a week.
We'd love to hear about any snaps you're getting from people who haven't seen you since you started the Pool.
At Pilates yesterday, two gals were like "how much weight have you lost? and how?" and I told them I've lost ten pounds. And it feels really good that people notice you're skinnier and more trim and your clothes fit better or, the best feeling, you've got down to that smaller size!
Don't forget to take a picture with your weigh in tomorrow. We'll be verifying with your weigh in picture from the first week.
Also, spend next week recruiting friends and co-workers. Make up a flyer with the basic, bulletpoint information explaining how simple the Pool is. And Heather and I discussed that next time, we will have two winners: weight loss and percentage and if the same person gets percentage, it will be the next percentage loss in line. We want to have more Pool love to go around so you feel like you all have a chance of scoring the cash! TWO WINNNERS!
Hang in there, we can't wait to see your cute toes tomorrow!


Blogger The Publican said...

So far I have spent the day on the endless road to treadmill land roasting off 723 calories. Exciting eh?

I've packed my normal lunch to take to work as well. To me, it's not about the pool, though it's been a tremendous help, it's about an overall change so today should be the same as 4 weeks ago.

I do sort of have that "last day of school" feeling though, which is kind of weird. I am not to my weight loss goals yet so I will see you next year! As for the break, I think I am going to try and just maintain weight to let my body catch settle in to the 230s before hitting the gas again.

Blogger Alison said...

Well, I think I will be giving myself a pedicure so that my toes look good on the scale tomorrow! :D

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody made this comment to me today: "Do you eat anything anymore?" As I am heating up my lunch in the banquet kitchen. I said "what do you mean? I am eating right now? In fact I eat all the time, that is all I can think about!" He said, "because you look so slim, like you have lost weight."

It is nice when somebody notices and feels good to get an extra 10 pounds of unwanted and unneeded fat off of your body.

I FEEL GOOD! No Matter what I weight in tomorrow!

Unfortunately my sorority group is getting together tonight and everybody is bringing a favorite dessert or appetizer. So, I may have to indulge a little, it is after all our last night!

Good Luck Everyone and remember to have a Happy Holiday!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

opps, I forgot to type my name in that last post.

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