a weight loss blog for people who still need floaties
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Think you have to give up snacks because you're watching your waistline?
No way.

Consider this information from Fitness Magazine:
For many women, dieting equals food restriction. Snacks? They usually get eliminated in the name of saving calories. But snacking when you're watching your weight is actually a good idea. "[When dieting,] people often wait too long in between meals, so by the time they eat, they're so hungry, their portions or choices are out of control," says Linda McLachlan, RD, CDN, a New Jersey dietitian with Nutrition Matters, LLC. "Snacking helps keep you satisfied and wards off cravings."
And this from SmartDiets.Info:
Don't inflict punishment upon yourself by adhering to an overly strict diet plan that doesn't allow an occasional snack. Dieting doesn't have to be painful in order to be successful. You deserve daily snacks and occasional treats, and they won't sabotage your new healthy lifestyle when consumed within moderation. Daily snacks will keep you on track, and occasional treats will help change your eating habits for permanent weight-loss success. Consume any food you enjoy within moderation, and you can have any snack you want and still achieve weight-loss success.
Also, don't forget that even though it's a snack, you really don't have to restrict yourself to something low fat or low calorie only. You can make a "snack" serving out of some of your favorite things, just measure out 100-150-200 calories, label a sandwich bag and put your snack food in it. Make snacking work for you, even taking a little time to figure out the calories on something that wouldn't necessarily be considered "diet" food means you can still have your favorites and pay attention to the serving size.

Some quick, easy snacks that won't bust you on calories:
  • Hard boiled egg (I kick start with these to get some protein with my breakfast)
  • Jell-O brand fat-free pudding snacks
  • String cheese (add some much needed calcium to your diet)
  • Of course, fruits and veggies (but you already knew that)
  • Individual serving light popcorn
Hopefully, some of these snack options will help you find success reaching your daily goals with the food you're eating. Think before you snack, but by all means, it is certainly OK.

Additional info:
Source, Source, Source,

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